Lyre Music specializes in the publication of inexpensive editions of lute tablature. We are always interested in your comments and suggestions.
We can be reached by e-mail at rphoban@gmail.com
or send book orders to:
Lyre Music Publications
3710 Bellaire Circle * Fort Worth, TX 76109 * U.S.A.
Now Available from Lyre Music |

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Table of Contents |
Cancionero del Palacio,
songs from Renaissance Spain.
Edited by Philip Rosoff-Horne
Lyre Music is pleased to introduce an edited edition of songs from a late 15th century manuscript now known as the Cancionero del Palacio (The Palace Songbook). Our edition contains 247 songs by composers such as Juan del Encina and Francisco de la Torre, arranged for voice and vihuela (or lute). All parts for each song have been intabulated. Intermediate players can easily play the majority of these lovely pieces.
The Cancionero del Palacio book sells for $35.00 plus $12.00 US postage and handling, or $25.00
for international postage.

click book to see the
cover full size
Table of Contents |

Enriquez Valderrabano: Libro de Musica de Vihuela, Intitulado Sivla de Sirenas
A Complete modern Edition with Full English Translation
Translated, Typeset and Edited
by Philip Rosoff-Horne
The first complete modern edition in French tablature, including all vocal pieces and fantasias, together with a translation into English of Valderrabano’s introductory material, notes on individual pieces, and lyrics for many of the vocal pieces.
$40.00 US plus $12.00 US postage or $26.00
for international postage.
Other new releases |

The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Germany
Volume 1: Early Manuscripts
A collection of four articles on Renaissance German lute music found in early German tablature manuscripts by four different authors: John H. Robinson's article examines the music of Maximilian's court organist, Paul Hofhaimer found in early German lute sources; Denys Stephens reviews music from the German tablature section of Wroclaw 352; Wolfgang Wiehe has transcribed some very interesting music from Ms. 272 including Josquin's Preter rerum seriam; and Dick Hoban's article examines the similarities between two manuscripts from the 1520's, the so called "Adolf Blindhamer" manuscript and an obscure manuscript now in Krakow Poland. All pieces are in French tablature and have been transcribed from the original German tablature manuscript sources for this publication. The book has over 200 pages of text and music.
$35.00 plus $10.00 US postage
or $21.00 International Postage |
Links to other titles
Master of Polyphony Volume 2 and 3 - The Polyphony of Johannes Touront and his World
Master of Polyphony Volume 1 - The Polyphony of Johannes Touront and his World
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance France, Volume 2: Early to Mid 16th Century
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy ~ Volume 4: Giulio Cesare Barbetta.
The Complete Solo Works of Alonso Mudarra
The Renaissance Lute and Guitar Music of Guillaume Morlaye.
16 Ricercars from the Siena Manuscript.
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance France, Volume 1: Early to Mid 16th Century
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy ~ Volume 3: Intabulations.
Sacred Music for the Lute ~ Edited by Catherine Liddell: Vol I Ren. Tuning
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy ~ Volume 2: Dances.
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy ~ Volume 1: Ricercars.
Tres Libros de Musica para Vihuela.
Chilesotti's "Da un codice Lauten-buch" in Lute Tablature.
The Straloch Manuscript.
The Rowallan Manuscript.
Pieces de Luth par Mr de Visee.
Master of Polyphony Volume 2
The Polyphony of Johannes Touront and his World
Locked away for centuries in the cathedral library in Trent, Italy, an enormous collection of 15th century vocal music remained undiscovered until the late 1800’s. The Trent collection contains much of the surviving works of the little known, but amazing polyphonic master, Johannes Touront, whose music is among the most inspiring of the age. Touront was a master in the use of sequence and imitation and was among the first use parody as a means to unify the Mass. This edition contains lute intabulations of his entire known output, including several motets and 8 complete Mass cycles from the Trent collection and other sources.
The book sells for $35.00 plus $9.00
for US postage or $24.00 international postage. |
Master of Polyphony Volume 3
The Music of Conrad Paumann and his World In his lifetime, the 15th century organist Conrad Paumann earned an international reputation as an instrumentalist and performer. Also a master lutenist, he performed on the lute for European royalty on several occasions. Now modern lutenists can enter the remarkable musical world that Paumann created. This edition is a collection of his organ tablature works intabulated for the lute, including works from both the Lochamer Liederbuch (c.1452) and the entire first half of the Buxheimer Orgelbuch (c.1460), in the more than 250 pages of tablature.
The book sells for $40.00 plus $9.00
for US postage or $24.00 international postage.

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View Table of Contents
Masters of Polyphony – Volume One: A Survey of 15th Century Music for Renaissance Lute
Lyre Music Publications is pleased to announce the publication of Volume One of Masters of Polyphony, a new series devoted to 15th century vocal music intabulated for Renaissance lute. Volume One is a survey of music from this era. Containing more than 225 individual selections, our edition includes works by many of the best-known 15th century composers, such as John Dunstable, Guillaume Dufay, Gillis Binchois and Johannes Ockeghem, as well as lesser-known but fascinating composers like Johannes Touront, Walter Frye and Johannes Puyllois. In addition, there are many selections thought to be by the mid-15th century lutenist/organist, Conrad Paumann. All of this music has been newly intabulated for six-course lute by Dick Hoban and Sean Smith. For questions contact: <mailto:rphoban@gmail.com>rphoban@gmail.com
Cost: $40.00
Shipping: $10.00 in the US; $24.00 for international shipping.

click book to see the cover full size |
The Art of the Lute in Renassiance Italy,
Volume IV: Lute Music of Giulio Cesare Barbetta
Giulio Cesare Barbetta was an important Italian lutenist composer from the second half of the 16th century. His publications of lute music pioneered music for 7 courses and contain pieces of outstanding quality and vitality. This edition contains Barbetta’s complete solo music from his 1569, 1582 and 1585 lute books. Taken together, this amounts to 76 dances, 21 intabulations, 14 fantasias, 6 preambulos and 6 arias in 248 music pages.
This book is available in either French or Italian tablature and sells for $40.00 plus $9.00 postage in the US or $22.00 international postage.
Table of Contents
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance France
Volume 2: The Phalese Anthologies
Collected and Edited by Dick Hoban
From 1552 to 1571, Pierre Phalese published four large lute tablature anthologies, preserving for the world an enormous wealth of 16th century lute music and including new arrangements alongside those collected from other sources. This book is a collection of 124 pieces selected from the latter three anthologies. Based on Phaleses own format, it includes 8 fantasias, 80 vocal arrangements and 36 dances.
All of the pieces are in French tablature and
have been collected and edited by Dick Hoban.
$35.00 US plus $8.00 US postage or $20.00 international postage. |
The Complete Solo Works of Alonso Mudarra
from, Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela, 1546, is a full modern transcription in both the original Italian tablature and French tablature, edited by Leonard Williams. It contains all 28 fantasias, 8 tientos, some pavanas, a gallarda and several other works for vihuela and four-course guitar. The cost of the Book is $35.00 with $6.00 for shipping in the US; international buyers please add a total of $14.00 for shipping.
The actual title of Mudarra's book:
FRAS PARA VIHUELA. ENEL PRIMERO AY MVSICA FACIL Y DIFI cil en fantasias: y ComPosturas: y Pauanas: y Gallardas: y AlGunas fantasias pora guitarra. El segundo trata de los ocha tonos (omodas)
tiene muchas fantasias Por diuersas partes: y Com
posturas glosadas. El tercero es de musica
para cantada y tanida... Fue impresso el presente libro enla muy noble y leal ciudad de Siuilla en casa de Iuan deLeon.

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Lyre Music Publications is pleased to announce the publication of a new book of tablature of the renaissance lute
This book of Guillaume Morlaye's music has been edited by Federico Marincola. It includes the 27 pieces for renaissance lute and renaissance guitar as heard on Federico's CD recording of Morlaye's music for Pierre Verany Disques.
The book and CD set: $35.00 US plus $7.00 US postage
($15.00 U.S. total for international postage)
Table of contents

This CD is available from Lyre Music in limited supply and
will be sold with the book as a set, while supplies last.

click cover to see full size
Now with Companion CD !
A selection of 16 pieces in French tablature by anonymous composers for the intermediate lute player from this important 16th century Italian manuscript.
$20.00 US plus $7.00 US postage
International Shipping $15.00 air
Book and CD for $30.00
CD alone sells for $10.00 plus $5.00 shipping

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click here to see inside page |
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance France,
Volume 1: Early to Mid 16th Century
This new Lyre Music book is a collection of 235 pieces (over 340 music pages) of the lute's most beautiful music from the sources of Renaissance France, including those prepared or printed by Attaingnant, Belin, da Ripa, Le Roy, Morlaye, and Phalese. The book includes numerous dances, fantasias and arrangements of chansons and motets by the masters of French polyphony. All of the pieces are in French tablature and have been collected and edited by Dick Hoban.
The companion CD is a selection of 36 works found in the book performed by Edward Martin on an 8 course Renaissance lute made by Daniel Larson in 2002.
| more... | table of contents | book | CD
The Art of the Lute
in Renaissance Italy, Vol. III
Volume III: Intabulations The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy, Volume III: Intabulations is now ready. It is a large edition with over 160 pieces and more than 290 pages of lute music in French tablature. This is an edition of wonderful lute music, though much of it is for the advanced player. Note that included are modern intabulations of 16th century music by several lutenists, including Sue Court, Mark Cudek, Sarge Gerbode, GailGillispie, Jacob Heringman, and Ronn McFarlane.The retail cost is $40.00
with a $8.00 shipping charge.
International buyers of this book please send a total of $20.00 US for international AIRPOST.
Sacred Music for the Lute ~ Edited by Catherine Liddell:
Vol I Ren. Tuning
Settings of chorales and psalms for lute alone, lute with voice and lute with other instruments by several illustrious composers, among whom are Esias Reusner, Adrian LeRoy, Mattheus Reymann, Nicolas Vallet, Richard Allison, and Michael Praetorius.
Retails for $35.00 plus $8.00 postage (in US) or $20.00 international postage.
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy ~
Volume 2: Dances.
A collection of 125 Italian renaissance dances, such as passamezzos,pavanas, saltarellos, padoanas, gagliardas, and others by numerous lutenist composers including Dalza, Capirola, da Crema, Borrono, Rotta, Abondante, Paladin, Gorzanis, Molinaro, Terzi, Caroso, Negri and Garsi da Parma. All are edited in French tablature by Dick Hoban.
$35.00 US plus $8.00 US postage or $20.00 international postage. |
The Art of the Lute in Renaissance Italy ~
Volume 1: Ricercars.
A collection of over 100 Italian ricercars from both printed and manuscript sources by numerous composers including Spinicino, Dalza, Bossinensis, Capirola, dall' Aquila, da Milano, da Ripa, Rotta, Abondante, Barberiis, Matelart, Paladin, Barbetta and Molinaro. All are edited in French tablature by Dick Hoban and Richard Darsie.
$35.00 US plus $8.00 US postage
or $20.00 international postage.

Tres Libros de Musica
para Vihuela.
A selection of over 100 pieces from the entire vihuela repertoire including duos, sonetos, pavanas, diferencias, villancicos, motets, sacred vocal intabulations, and 35 fantasias. The contents, all suitable for the intermediate player, have been transcribed into French tablature by Dick Hoban.
$35.00US plus $8.00 US postage or $20.00 international postage.

Chilesotti's "Da un codice Lauten-buch"
in Lute Tablature.
A transcription into French tablature of Chilesotti's 99 selections from this very popular late 16th century manuscript.
$35.00 US plus $8.00 US postage or $20.00 international postage.
The Straloch Manuscript.
The complete transcription of George Graham's selections from this now lost Scottish lute manuscript; edited in French tablature by Wayne Cripps.
$20.00 US plus $7.00 US postage
or $15.00 international postage.

The Rowallan Manuscript.
The complete Scottish lute manuscript in French tablature edited by Wayne Cripps; 39 pieces suitable for the beginning to intermediate lute player.
$20.00US plus $7.00US postage
or $15.00 international postage.
Pieces de Luth par
Mr de Visee.
Three elegant French Baroque suites originally composed for theorbo, together with extensive notes on style and ornamentation, thoughtfully transcribed into French tablature for 8 or 10 course lute in renaissance tuning by Arto Wikla.

$20.00 US plus $7.00 US postage or $15.00 international postage. |
We can be reached by e-mail at rphoban@gmail.com or send book orders to:
© 2016 Lyre Music Publications
3710 Bellaire Circle * Fort Worth, TX 76109 * U.S.A.