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As usual, a work in progress. What I'm planning is a dynamic site that users can enter their favorite links and, after approval will appear on in a searchable page linked to database. Stay tuned. |
Name |
Link |
Description |
A Beginners Lute Page | http://john.redmood.com/lutebeginner.html | I've made this web page to gather together the various tips and pieces of information I've accumulated as a beginning lutenist. If you're considering learning to play the lute, recently purchased a lute, or are just getting started, you'll hopefully find something useful here. |
Alden Lee - home-music stands etc | http://www.aldenlee.com/index.html | Where you can order very nice lute and music stands- Hardwood Music Stands, Players' Seats, Instrument Stands, Sheet Music Cabinets...and much more! |
AquilaUsa Home Page | http://www.macsolve.com/aquilausa/Default.html | Strings for the lute-AquilaUSA is the U.S. representative for Aquila Corde Armoniche, manufacturers of the finest gut and synthetic musical strings for historical and modern performance. |
Arto Wikla's Music Page | http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/~wikla/music.html | One of the very prominant contributors to the Lute net |
Australian Lute Directory | http://www.hydro.com.au/lute/ | Australian lute players and directory |
Bach Bibliography Homepage | http://www.music.qub.ac.uk/~tomita/bachbib.html | Bach stuff-Bach and lute and more |
Berkeley Festival & Exhibition | http://bfx.berkeley.edu/bfx/index.html | From the musical traditions of medieval Europe and the spirited songs of the Renaissance, to the timeless music of Johann Sebastian Bach, the Sixth Biennial Berkeley Festival & Exhibition brings to vivid life the great music of centuries past |
Boulder Early Music Shop On-Line | http://www.bems.com/ | On-Line Catalog of Music Books, Instruments and Accessories |
Classical Guitar Alive | http://www.guitaralive.com/ | Classical Guitar Alive! Classical Guitar Alive! Radio Program is heard nationwide |
Classical MIDI Archives - J.S.Bach | http://www.prs.net/bach.html | ~ THE ARCHIVES: BACH ~ of MIDI files [Last modified on Sunday, 30-Apr-2000 23:46:03 BST] |
Classical Music - Classical Net Frames - Classical Music | http://www.classical.net/music/frames/index.html | Classical Net - Now featuring reviews of more than 1000 CDs, as well as 4800 files and over 2600 links to other classical music web sites. |
Clive Titmuss | http://www.surrey.quik.com/ctitmuss/ | luthier and lutenist |
Contribute to Musi-Cal | http://concerts.calendar.com/index-contribute.shtml | Welcome to Musi-Caltm! Search for concert schedules for your favorite musicians, check out festival links or browse club listings! |
Counterpoint Music: Specialists in jazz CD's! | http://www.counterpoint-music.com/ | classical and jazz cd's |
CSIC - Departamento de Publicaciones: Búsqueda de libros | http://www.csic.es/publica/libros/ | search for publications |
Dalza music | http://www.areditions.com/rr/rrr/r054.html | Recent Researches in the Music of the Music of the Renaissance Esteban Daza The Fantasias for Vihuela Edited by John Griffiths |
David Van Edwards' Lute & Bow Catalogues | http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~vanedwar/ | DAVID VAN EDWARDS LUTHIER The Smokehouse, 6 Whitwell Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 4HB, England. Telephone: + 44 (0)1603 629899 E-Mail:vanedwar@dircon.co.uk Please scroll down for my LUTE CATALOGUE For my BOW CATALOGUE please click here For my BOW CATALOGUE in SPANISH please click here A report of the1999 LUTE MAKING SUMMER SCHOOL LUTE MAKING SUMMER SCHOOL, July 2000 CURRICULUM VITAE LUTE PICTURE of the MONTH (MARCH) BUILD YOUR OWN BAROQUE LUTE! WEEKLY INSTRUMENT MAKING CLASS |
Donatella Galletti's Lute page | http://web.tiscalinet.it/awebd/ | lute player's site |
Download sheet music and scores | http://www.amazingmusicworld.com/ | sheet music! Welcome to Amazing Music World. Download and print sheet music in all genres and levels, for professionals as well as amateurs. Exclusive arrangements and compositions by world famous artists. Experience our new easy to use software for rehearsal and much more. |
Early Music FAQ | http://www.medieval.org/emfaq/ | Early Music FAQ The web's largest reference for European Medieval and Renaissance music since 1994. |
Early Music Midi by Curtis Clark | http://www.is.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/emusic/ | Early music midi files by Curtis Clark |
Early Music Vocal Ensembles | http://www.intr.net/~bleissa/lists/choral.html | The "List" of Early Music Vocal Ensembles |
Editions Minkoff | http://www.minkoff-editions.com/~minkoff/ | Lute music publisher |
Eigene Dateien\Seicento2 | http://home.t-online.de/home/seicento-luckhardt/ | Facsimiles, reprints and modern editions
by international publishers for Historical Instruments, Voice, Choir, Chamber Music, Orchestra, etc. |
EM. Software Bazaar | http://users.deltanet.com/~alainv/ | StringWalker supports editing of tablature in Modern, French and Italian format for instruments with up to 16 courses, 8 frettable, and 24 frets on the neck, including guitar, lutes, theorboes (re-entrant tuning supported), viola da gamba, banjo, citterns, bandoras, mandolin, etc. StringWalker also provides for some support for non-chromatic instrument like the dulcimer. |
Ensemble Polaris-Ed Martin | http://www2.visi.com/blink/epolaris/default.htm | Consisting of some of the most talented interpreters of early music in Minnesota, Ensemble Polaris has been making music since 1997. Their inaugural program of music for strings and voices by Vivaldi and Pergolesi was warmly received in its two performances, one at St. Mark's Cathedral in Minneapolis and the other at St. Clement's Church in St. Paul. Subsequently, this concert was widely heard in multiple broadcasts on Minnesota Public Radio. |
Hermann Kelber home pag3e | http://www.hermdergerm.com/index.html | One of the members of the Bay Area Lute Gang, still at large |
Goldberg-magazine Early music | http://www.goldberg-magazine.com/ | Early Music magazine |
Hopkinson Smith | http://www.HopkinsonSmith.com/index.html | Hopkinson Smith has been called the most
moving of present day lutenists...he approaches the lute's universe with
a musicality which goes far beyond the seemingly limited voice of his instrument.
We invite you to explore on this website the magic of his lute and its music.
How To Tie A Fret Knot | http://www.malaspina.com/harp/guitar/fretknot.htm | How to tie your frets back on... |
William Camden | http://e3.uci.edu/~papyri/camden/ | William Camden Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Regnante Elizabetha (1615 and 1625) A hypertext edition by Dana F. Sutton The University of California, Irvine Posted March 23, 2000 |
Latin poetry of Thomas Campion | http://e3.uci.edu/~papyri/campion/ | The Latin Poetry of Thomas Campion (1567 - 1620) a hypertext edition by Dana F. Sutton The University of California, Irvine first posted December 24, 1997 revised version posted May 23, 1999 |
Lute FAQ | http://www.phoenixchoir.org/lute/faq.htm | interesting lute graphic |
Lute Iconography between 1600 and 1700 | http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/icon/1600.html | various lute pictures put together by Wayne Cripps |
Lute of the Month | http://www.vanedwar.dircon.co.uk/month.htm | like it says |
Lute on Line | http://www.luteonline.de/ | an online tutor put together by Stephan Lundgren |
Lutes & Bows by David Van Edwards | http://www.vanedwar.dircon.co.uk/ | English Luthier |
Musica poëtica | http://web.ibs.ee/newren/mus_poet/ | MUSICA POETICA - a new look at the renaissance
musician's approach to moving the emotions CONTENTS: Introduction - first reflections 1. MUSIC TO MOVE THE EMOTIONS 2. HOW MUSIC IS CONCEIVED AND CREATED 3. WHAT THE PERFORMER EXPRESSES Conclusion - final reflections Where to go next Sources |
Musician's Joke Page | http://plaza2.mbn.or.jp/~studioedo/musicjokes.html | musical jokes |
My Uncle. | http://mail.bcpl.lib.md.us/~eharlow/allan.html | Castles in the Sky by Syncope and published by KOCH International, in keeping with their long tradition of high quality, innovative recordings have released a disc by Syncope titled Castles in the Sky. (Product number 3-7303-2H1) The project contains traditional and original 16th century dance music from Ireland and Scotland, as well as pieces by the Irish Harper O'Carolan. This is a fun, flamboyant recording with 23 tracks and more than 60 minutes of music. |
NetStrider - Music - Pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book | http://www.netstrider.com/music/fitz/ | Fitzwilliam Music Electronically set by:
Randy D. Ralph, MLIS, Ph.D and Christopher E. Ralph, B.M. |
Octavo: Digital Rare Books | http://www.octavo.com/index.epl | Octavo publishes and preserves rare books and manuscripts using advanced digital tools and formats. We work with libraries and museums to make their most beautiful and significant books accessible and affordable. |
P Y R A M I D Strings | http://www.pyramidstrings.com/ | Legendary Strings of Unsurpassed Quality. Made of Finest Materials, With Greatest Precision, By Expert Hands, Reliable and Perfect and True. Since 1850 |
Pagina del liuto barocco | http://utenti.tripod.it/weiss/index.html | Baroque Lute is unique in music history in that it was the first (together with Clavichord) to carry the task of the Private Communion with The Divine, which is the cornerstone of the modern notion of self- expression, no longer servile to the feudal psychology, at the same time reflecting a similar notion of private worship first postulated in New Testament. Just as Renaissance Artists sought to emulate the Ancients in the Arts of the Visual Realm, XVIII-th century Musicians sought to emulate the Ancients in the Realm of the Spiritual. Thus were planted the seeds of Private Desolation and Private Supplication, a rather modern idea... |
Paolo Busato Lute-maker | http://users.iol.it/pbusato/pbusatoe.html | After several years of professional lute
building, I would like to present a small example of some of the instruments I have built. |
postscript and lute midi files | http://cbsr26.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/wlkps.cgi | |
renaissance-lute-music@eGroups.com | http://www.egroups.com/group/renaissance-lute-music/info.html | message board for lute |
SF Early Music Society | http://www.sfems.org/ | San Francisco Early Music Page |
Stephen Barber Lutes | http://www.barber.harris.lutemakers.mcmail.com/ | Stephen Barber and Sandi Harris are long - established luthiers working in central London, who offer a range of instruments of the lute family, along with baroque guitars and vihuelas. |
Stille Musica: Renaissance Music Duo: Links | http://www.xprss.com/stillemusi/links.asp | Stille Musica, Renaissance Duo: Montreal, Canada. |
tab-serv-Waynes lute music | http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/tab-serv/tab-serv.cgi | This is the list of files of lute music in tablature form found on ftp://ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/pub/lute/TabSource. You can download the PostScript files by simply clicking on the eps letters after the file name. If your web viewer can display and print PostScript files you can see and print these files. |
TECHNICAL DRAWINGS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS | http://www.music.ed.ac.uk/euchmi/cimcim/iwd.html | This is a list of drawings published by the 25 museums who have participated in the project to microfilm technical drawings of musical instruments, organised by Hague Gemeentemuseum, Netherlands, with the co-operation of CIMCIM. This list, prepared by Rob van Acht of the Hague Gemeentemuseum, includes the 512 drawings now available on microfiche. They are all also available in their original format directly from the participating museums, many of which also have further drawings on sale. Descriptions of instruments |
Theatricum Musicum | http://theaterofmusic.com | Local Bay Area performers Sean Smith, Andrew Hartig, and singer Robin Snyder. Specializing in Lute, Renaissance guitar, and Cittern repertoire. |
The Baltimore Consort | http://www.baltcons.com/ | Baltimore consort website |
The Lute Page | http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute/lute.html | links; and how to join the lute mailing list |
Variety of Lute lessons | http://members.aol.com/MWhee40252/Index.html | Lute page |
Wayne's Home Page with Lute Stuff! | http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/ | Wayne Cripps home page |