Evernote 2.1
Those relying on the popular Evernote service can now download Evernote 2.1 for the Mac, which brings a number of notable features to the information gathering application. (Versions are also available for various Web browsers, the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, Android, BlackBerry, Palm Pre and Pixi, not to mention Windows and Windows Mobile.) Most notable in Evernote 2.1 for the Mac is audio recording, which allows audio to be attached to any new or existing note. Audio can also be played back within the Evernote application. Then, for those who thrive in the public sphere, there’s note sharing via Facebook, Twitter, and email, or via a direct URL. Searching is now faster, especially for large accounts, the Find In Evernote menu item now works properly, and other unspecified bugs have been fixed. One note: if you’ve customized your toolbar, you’ll have to do so again after the upgrade. (Free, 19 MB)
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