Social Media | MacConsulting

Databasing Social Media

Keeping fresh content on a Facebook page presents the same challenge as a newsletter or a website for busy professionals. How to keep the content fresh, interesting and compelling. The returns are enormous when friends re-post the content and generate click-throughs to Fan page  and realize the opportunities inherent in Social Media.

For over a year now I have been using the power and flexibility of a database to mange, post, track, and log Social Media postings. As one business comrade of mine said, half a billion people can’t be wrong ( latest estimate on Facebook users places the number at 750,00,000+).  I find that not only is a database an excellent system for managing content, but it also enables the posting of content across multiple Facebook “Fan” pages for groups of professionals.

Let me explain. This first example is posting for a University page that gets subscribed to  or “liked” by potential students, alumnae, and interested parties. The content is provided by a professional copywriter. This is privately posted and approved by the officials at the University on a content review page. The review pages and content edit pages are generated dynamically through PHP and the database (click image to view larger):


The client is able to preview Facebook content, the writer is able to easily modify and update content, which is finally inserted into the Facebook page as scheduled.

By the way, what is a Fan page:

Why is a Page a better solution than a personal account for artists, businesses, or brands?

Personal accounts are optimized for individuals, not artists, businesses, or brands. Facebook Pages allow artists, businesses, and brands to showcase their work and interact with fans. These pages come pre-installed with custom functionality designed for each category. For example, a band Page has a music player, video player, discography, reviews, tour dates, a discussion board that the artists can take advantage of. Third party developers will also build an array of applications that they will compete for Page Admins to add to their Pages. Facebook Pages are also not subject to a fan limit and can automatically accept fan requests.

The second project with using the Social Media Database involves a set of professionals, each with their own Facebook Fan Page. The database system is able to post interesting and topical content, combined with links and graphics, across multiple Facebook pages. The professionals share their polished content with their individual clients who have “liked” the page. Members are not in direct competition with each other due to varied geographical locations. The content is fresh to each professional and all their followers. And as the content is shared by Facebook members with friends the magic of Social media does its work.

Information is shared, clients are reminded of new services and products,  as well as interesting and relevant content. Links to additional information can be provided, as well as eye-catching graphics and interesting links. Each posting is unique to the professionals audience while the cost is shared across members, at an efficient and reasonable subscription fee.

If you are interested in finding out more about this system fill out my contact form or just email me with your questions.

More about the database 

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How to leverage social media with a database.

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous