Dilbert And Steve Jobs Agree: Phablets Suck [Humor]

read –>Dilbert And Steve Jobs Agree: Phablets Suck [Humor]

Steve Jobs called then tweeners: too big to be a phone, too small to be a tablet. Others have coined a better portmanteau to describe them: “phablets.” It’s a wonderful word, isn’t it, somehow evoking both expectoration and flabbiness?

Anyway, we’re going to be seeing a lot of phablets next week at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (and make sure to stay tuned for our on-site reporting all next week), and my guess is that with most of them, the rationale that manufacturers have employed in making them will be eerily similar to the thought process described in the latest strip of Dilbert.

[Thanks, Mike!]

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Cult of Mac by John Brownlee February 23, 2012 8:09 AM

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