Celebrate Movember With This iPhone That Will Also Shave Your Beard

from the Taking a Good Thing Too Far dept.

Celebrate Movember With This iPhone That Will Also Shave Your Beard


I hate shaving. Like seriously, it is the most annoying personal hygiene chore that a proper gentleman is supposed to undertake everyday. Mostly I hate it because it takes up a lot of time and me and razors don’t really get along.

But maybe you’re different. Maybe you love the smooth texture of a fresh shaven face everyday. If so, you might want to get this iPhone wannabe shaver.

It’s electric. It cost $40. And it looks just like an iPhone 4. There’s a metal band surrounding the glass face. Shoot, it even has a little switch on the side of the device like the iPhone mute switch, and it comes in white and black. You can charge it via USB and toss it in your travel bag for your next adventure. All it needs is an Apple logo.


Source: Shave Tech

Via: Gizmodo


Cult of Mac by Buster Heine November 20, 2012, 11:27 AM

Sent from my iPad

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