As is the way with such things, the long-term project with UCSF BASIC is winding down and I am look for new opportunities. After years of marketing, I find the best returns result from word-of-mouth. I would like to reward such referrals with a free technical consultation in the area of the winner’s choice. I have a wide range of interests and expertise as a technical omnivore:
- Filemaker
- Apple Technology
- Security and backups, upgrade paths
- WordPress themes, enhancements and plugins
- Roku/Apple TV/Itunes integration
- iPhone/iPad/[apple technology] enhancement
- network wifi bluetooth etc
- Ebooks and E-readers
- Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Meet-ups, Tumblr, Instagram, Vine etc.
- a topic you wish researched and explained
What I’m looking for is a Filemaker/Filemaker-Web project either new or existing that needs assistance and has a reasonable budget for my services currently at $100/hour.
Premium to be awarded after signed receipt of project (Psst buddy, need an excellent Filemaker developer?).
Thanks in advance.
Just click the link to contact me.