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TweetDeck Offers A Lot Of Twitter Features For Free [Review]

My favorite twitter client on the desktop

starCult of Mac
April 27, 2011 1:54 AM
by Giles Turnbull

TweetDeck Offers A Lot Of Twitter Features For Free [Review]

tweetdeck 2 icon

Here’s TweetDeck v2, not just an update but a complete “re-imagining” of the original, say its makers.

To create v2 they stripped everything out and started again from scratch. The result is a Twitter client that’s faster and easier to use.

TweetDeck has always been a tool for the serious Twitter user. Its USP was columns, user-editable streams of tweets covering anything you can think of – search terms, trending topics, hashtags, you name it. If you want to keep an eye on certain topics on Twitter, TweetDeck is one of the best ways of doing it.

New in v2 is a feature called custom columns, which lets you combine a variety of different sources into one column. Support for Instapaper is included, but not yet for Twitpic. Apparently that’s coming in the next update.

Here’s an overview video:

Is it everyone’s cup of tea? No. Not mine, I prefer to keep Twitter short and sweet and simple, so I have no need of multiple columns. But if you’re a serious Twitter addict, or make use of the site professionally, TweetDeck might be just the thing for you. Given that it’s free, you have little to lose, and there’s a lot on offer.

TweetDeck 2 is available now on the App Store.

iOS Reviews free tweetdeck twitter

Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous

Evernote 2.1

starTidBITS: Apple News for the Rest of Us
April 27, 2011 3:23 PM
by (Adam C. Engst)

Evernote 2.1

Those relying on the popular Evernote service can now download Evernote 2.1 for the Mac, which brings a number of notable features to the information gathering application. (Versions are also available for various Web browsers, the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, Android, BlackBerry, Palm Pre and Pixi, not to mention Windows and Windows Mobile.) Most notable in Evernote 2.1 for the Mac is audio recording, which allows audio to be attached to any new or existing note. Audio can also be played back within the Evernote application. Then, for those who thrive in the public sphere, there’s note sharing via Facebook, Twitter, and email, or via a direct URL. Searching is now faster, especially for large accounts, the Find In Evernote menu item now works properly, and other unspecified bugs have been fixed. One note: if you’ve customized your toolbar, you’ll have to do so again after the upgrade. (Free, 19 MB)


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Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous

Finder: Double-click column separators to auto-size the column

starFiner Things in Mac
April 27, 2011 4:17 PM

Finder: Double-click column separators to auto-size the column

When using a Finder window in the Column view, you can double click a column divider to automatically resize it to the widest name in that column. This works whether your column is too wide or too thin and you need more room to fit all your file names.


Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous