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Athena and the Pre-CGI Effects Films of Death!

April 13, 2011 1:30 AM
by John Scalzi

Athena and the Pre-CGI Effects Films of Death!

My column is back on its regular schedule, and this week my daughter (seen above, scowling dramatically) passes judgement on all effects-laden films prior to Jurassic Park and finds them completely unacceptable. Why does she do this — and is she correct to do so? The answers await you, my friends. As always, if you feel the need to comment, please feel free to do so over at the column.


Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

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iPhone updating

An iPhone is as valuable as a portable computer. As I Iike to say, sitting here updating my Blog with an iPhone 4, everything is getting interconnected. I feel like I’m living in a cheesy syfy movie based on The Tao of Physics.
Nite all


Use cases

Use cases: “

People sometimes ask, ‘What is the use of blogs now that we have Twitter and Facebook?’

This weekend I came up with an answer that I kind of like:

Twitter and Facebook are great for organizing a revolution.

Blogs are for explaining why we need one.

interesting reasoning
