- 6 Comments Photo 8326
NotesNot a haiku, but something to think about.
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An upgrade to this Utility has just been posted so I wanted to discuss it a little, show some screen grabs and let you have at it
You can modify the Apple settings in Preferences and in the Systems Preferences panes but there are many settings that are not available. Previously, you had to use the terminal or Unix Command line to make many of these changes. With Tinkertool you get it all in a GUI (Graphic User Interface)
Here are General setting that you can tweak in the Tinkertool General Tab.
Again here are Safari settings
The program is available at
And there is a way to set all to defaults if you want to revert to original setting
Great Utility for those who have the need and interest.
iPhone and iPad Tips of the Week – Silence Your iPhone So you Can Sleep
I thought you would find this interesting:
iPhone and iPad Tips of the Week – Silence Your iPhone So you Can Sleep – http://www.maclife.com/article/howtos/iphone_and_ipad_tips_week_silence_your_iphone_so_you_can_sleep
Shared from MacLife, an iPhone app made with www.AppMakr.com
Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael
FileMaker Server Admin Console is not compatible with Java 6 update 24 | FileMaker
MacUpdate Promo Spring 2011 Bundle – 11 Top Mac Apps
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