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VPN Router

Witopia logoVPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It’s a technique whereby a user’s computer can log on from a remote location and, after verification by name and password, connect securely to a network and all its assets. I’ve used VPN connections for several many years now to connect to clients networks to remotely manage and update Filemaker systems, web sites, Windows and Mac Servers. The VPN Router we recently purchased from the router200 website for our Main Meetings serves a slightly different purpose: to bypass restrictive filtering at Bancroft school. This is the same kinds of technology helping to fuel the free, unfettered access in revolutions happening in Egypt, Libya, and Wisconsin. Keep the Internet free!

Schools routinely filter Social sites like Facebook and Twitter so their students with their smartphones and other Internet devices can better pay attention to the schools educational agenda. It makes it tough for a computer club like DVMUG (of which I’m president) to demo their Facebook presence or discuss Social Media topics of interest. The Witopia router fixes that.

It is  Cisco router preconfigured to automatically connect to a VPN when plugged into an Internet connection. At the school we borrow the Internet connection and set up an Airport router to create our own little WiFi network during the meetings we have at the school. Now we can plug in this new router which tunnels into a VPN connection and this will bypass the filters which have prevented us from looking at certain sites like Facebook.

It’s a cheap date too as the whole cost was $200, $100 of it a yearly fee for the service which we will pay every year, and as we meet 9 months of the year comes to a whopping $11.11 a meeting. Cheap date as I call it. In honor of all those fanboys who post the unveiling of the latest geegaw from Apple I proudly present the Witopia/Cisco Router. %^)

TidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Apple Reveals More about Mac OS X Lion

TidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Apple Reveals More about Mac OS X Lion: “Macs & Mac OS X | 4:34 PM | Print  | Comment (0)
Apple Reveals More about Mac OS X LionApplebacktomac
by Adam C. Engst

Apple has announced the first developer preview of Mac OS X Lion, still eschewing the expected 10.7 version number but revealing a few more features and sticking to the summer ship date promise. For details on what Apple previously announced about Lion, see ‘Apple Offers a Glimpse of Mac OS X Lion’ (20 October 2010).”

Updated graphics for Optical Education site

I recently completed a graphic design refresh of an educational Optometry site. It was rather complicated as the site was done in Ruby On Rails, which required embedding all the graphics in Ruby code as well as rewriting the CSS code all by hand. There was some conflict in using Dreamweaver CS4 coding so I did it all in the text editor BBEdit (which just keeps getting better). It is a private site requiring a log in, but I can grab some screen shots for you.



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