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starMac Freeware and Free mac Software for OSX
September 12, 2010 12:59 PM
by Mike



PDF OCR is a simple drag-and-drop utility for Mac OS X, that converts your PDFs and images into text documents or searchable PDF files. It uses advanced OCR (optical character recognition) technology to extract the text of the PDF even if that text is contained in an image. This is particularly useful for dealing with PDFs that were created via a Scan-to-PDF function in a scanner or photo copier.

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Open Source Mac Software

Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

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The Google Instant Alphabet

starBoing Boing
September 9, 2010 3:02 PM
by Xeni Jardin

The Google Instant Alphabet

In a Boing Boing comment thread around the launch of Google’s new “Google Instant” search feature, BB reader Robert compiled a little alphabet ditty based on what typing in each letter of the alphabet yields in the way of suggestions. The results vary by country, and it seems also by state or region, and other more personal factors: say, cookies stored for your prior Google searches. Robert is in the USA. Enjoy.

A is for Amazon, to get all your books.
B is for Bank of America, which holds all your crooks.
C is for Craigslist, no services adult.
D is for Dictionary, to define your result.
E is for eBay, to spend all your cash.
F is for Facebook, web pages like trash.
G is for Gmail, world domination ambition.
H is for Hotmail, Gmail’s competition.
I is for Ikea, for a lamp named Bljampäjese.
J is for Johns Hopkins, where they cure your disease.
K is for Kohl’s, a store that’s old-school.
L is for Lowe’s, to buy your tool.
M is for MapQuest, for the place you go to.
N is for Netflix, to add to your queue.
O is for Orioles, a Baltimore obsession.
P is for Pandora, an audio digression.
Q is for QVC, for goods without esteem.
R is for Ravens, another Baltimore team.
S is for Sears, appliances and more.
T is for Target, a Wal-Mart like store.
U is for USPS, where mail you submit.
V is for Verizon, Steve Jobs should use it.
W is for Weather, for forests in flames.
X is for Xbox, a console for games.
Y is for Yahoo, a home page for Chrome.
Z is for Zillow, to value your home.

(Image: a page from the children’s French-language alphabet book “Grand Alphabet Amusant,” by E. Morel, ~1890; from Bibliodyssey)

Funny Technology

Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous