August 26, 2010 11:40 AM
by Xeni Jardin
Fun fact: Trader Joe’s is owned by a German company

Why the arcade experience is broken (Sean Malstrom)
Alternate universe movie posters (Sean Harter) I really liked these!! – MAC
A guide to Internet memes (Online University)
Some guy says there’s a stigma to reading books alone, but not if you do it on an e-reader!? (The Grumbler)
Netflix finally comes to the iPhone (Wired)
How to harvest helium (io9)
5 ways the universe could wipe out mankind (Popular Mechanics)
(title image via Peter Drew via The High Definite)
iQuickConvert will convert convert file formats into iTunes friendly file formats. Over 100 file formats are able to be converted with this freeware.
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A few free fonts from iMovie ’09: “I was changing some preferences in iMovie ’09 when I noticed there’s a cool font in the last tab – Coolvetica.
I was sure I don’t have it installed on my system, so I dug in the application itself and there it was, together with some other nice fonts, like Duality or Strenuous, which I might use later for some titling in FCP – that’s what those fonts were used for.
Right-or control-click the iMovie icon in Applications folder, and select Show Package Contents. Then go to Contents/Resources/Fonts, and double-click and install those you like.
I searched Hints but only found a story about one font in Aperture. People in the comments there are discussing the legality of extracting fonts from Trial software, but iMovie is on every new Mac.
[crarko adds: If you have iLife ’09, I would think your conscien …
(Via Mac OS X Hints.)