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Fun fact: Trader Joe’s is owned by a German company

starBoing Boing
August 26, 2010 11:40 AM
by Xeni Jardin

Fun fact: Trader Joe’s is owned by a German company

More like Trader Johann‘s! “Few customers realize the [Trader Joe’s] chain is owned by Germany’s ultra-private Albrecht family, the people behind the Aldi Nord supermarket empire.” (via Kourosh)


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I never knew that – ach Der lieber himmel

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous

Rod Serling action figure

starBoing Boing
August 26, 2010 1:13 PM
by David Pescovitz

Rod Serling action figure

 Images Review Serling 1 Yes, that is a Rod Serling action figure. Toy collector Michael Crawford, aka Captain Toy, bought an ultra-limited Serling head and commissioned an artist to hand-paint it. The body, clothing, and telltale cigarette once belonged to an infamous X-Files character. You can read the whole story of the Serling figure… in the Twilight Zone. Er, I mean at Crawford’s site. Review: Twilight Zone custom sixth scale Rod Serling


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A curious coincidence in a dark corner 
Of the Toy Zone

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous

A few free fonts from iMovie ’09

A few free fonts from iMovie ’09: “I was changing some preferences in iMovie ’09 when I noticed there’s a cool font in the last tab – Coolvetica.

I was sure I don’t have it installed on my system, so I dug in the application itself and there it was, together with some other nice fonts, like Duality or Strenuous, which I might use later for some titling in FCP – that’s what those fonts were used for.

Right-or control-click the iMovie icon in Applications folder, and select Show Package Contents. Then go to Contents/Resources/Fonts, and double-click and install those you like.

I searched Hints but only found a story about one font in Aperture. People in the comments there are discussing the legality of extracting fonts from Trial software, but iMovie is on every new Mac.

[crarko adds: If you have iLife ’09, I would think your conscien …

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(Via Mac OS X Hints.)