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New Website

I’ve finally switched over to the WordpWordpressLogo.jpgress website for MacConsulting. I’ve added the relevant links and static pages to replicate the old site. For now I’ll have a redirect to the blog page and see how that goes. Thanks and I look forward to filling it with items of interest as they happen.

Get a free copy of The Macintosh Way, my first book

starmclasen’s posterous reading list
August 2, 2010 9:01 PM

Get a free copy of The Macintosh Way, my first book

  Posted by Guy Kawasaki

The Macintosh Way is the first book that I wrote. It explained the Macintosh philosophy of doing the right things the right way. I recently got the rights back for the book, and I’m making it available for free. My buddies at OfficeDrop took one of the last copies that I owned and turned it into a PDF, and Pixability made this video about the process.

If you’d like the PDF, go to You can also get the iPad version from OfficeDrop here.


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iTunes 9.2 adds Undo & Redo commands

iTunes 9.2 adds Undo & Redo commands: “Most applications have Undo and Redo commands, and iTunes has long had them available when editing song tags. Beginning with iTunes 9.2 (the latest version is 9.2.1), offers Undo and Redo commands which can be applied to songs which have been removed from or added to a playlist. Note, though, that these commands will not work for songs which have been removed from the Library.

As always, Undo is available from the Edit menu and can also be invoked using the keyboard with Command-Z. Redo is also in the Edit menu and can be done with the Command-Shift-Z keyboard shortcut.

I have no earlier version available for testing, but am confident 9.2 is when the feature I’ve noted was added. I regularly invoke the Undo keyboard shortcut just as a habitual response to a mistake, and I never witnessed the behavior prior to 9.2.

[crarko adds: I tested this, and it works as described.]

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(Via Mac OS X Hints.)

The #Wookieleaks tag on Twitter is bursting with stuff Darth Vader doesn’t want you to know about [This Is Awesome]

The #Wookieleaks tag on Twitter is bursting with stuff Darth Vader doesn’t want you to know about [This Is Awesome]: “

If only someone had been holding the Emperor accountable and publishing the truth, maybe Admiral Ackbar would have known it was a trap in advance. The #wookieleaks tag on Twitter is a work of pure awesomeness, including Ewok intelligent design and the lack of WMDs on Alderaan. Update: As ElSpanielo points out, there’s also a #Wookieeleaks tag. [Thanks Franco!] More »


(Via io9.)