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Apple Looking Into Reports of Problems With iOS 4 on iPhone 3G

starMacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
July 28, 2010 1:40 PM

Apple Looking Into Reports of Problems With iOS 4 on iPhone 3G

The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple is “looking into” reports of issues being experienced by iPhone 3G users who have upgraded to the company’s new iOS 4. Discussion forums at Apple, MacRumors, and elsewhere have been filling with reports fro…

The pause that fits…takes patience for IOS4 and my 3G 

Sent from my iPhone by mac

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous

25 must-have iPhone apps for geeks | ZDNet

25 must-have iPhone apps for geeks | ZDNet: “25 must-have iPhone apps for geeks
By Jason Hiner | July 23, 2010, 3:30am PDT

Get the inside track on iPhone apps that can improve your productivity, and a few that can provide a little geek fun.


Mobile apps have become an embarrassment of riches. In a world with over 200,000 iPhone apps and over 100,000 Android apps, the toughest part is finding the most useful stuff.

For iPhone users, I’m going to throw you an assist by sharing my top 25. These are third-party apps that can help you be more productive, streamline several of your activities, reduce the number of gadgets in your life, and take advantage of the best benefits that mobile computing has to offer. I’m also going to follow up with similar lists of the best apps for Android and iPad.

The best way to view my list of the top iPhone apps is in the screenshot gallery, which includes 2-3 screenshots of each app and a short description of why I chose to include it in the list. However, you can also view the entire list below, along with a link to download each app in the App Store.”

(Via From Master Tom Bacon.)

Filemaker Pro and iPhone/iPad

FBA_color.jpgeMaker Unveils New FileMaker Go for iPhone and FileMaker Go for iPad

Available now on the App Store, FileMaker Go delivers live access to hosted FileMaker Pro databases, and lets users copy desktop databases to iPhone or iPad

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – July 20, 2010 – FileMaker, Inc. today announced FileMaker Go for iPhone ( and FileMaker Go for iPad,( the highly anticipated new Apps now available from the iTunes App Store which let users work remotely with FileMaker Pro ( databases on iPhone or iPad. With FileMaker Go – available as two separate apps for iPhone or iPad – users can easily view, edit and search for information in FileMaker databases on their iPhone or iPad.

Ideal for mobile teams, FileMaker Go provides access to databases created with FileMaker Pro and hosted on FileMaker Server or FileMaker Pro. FileMaker Go can access databases residing on a Mac or PC using a local wireless network or over the Internet via Wi-Fi or 3G. All changes are instantly updated in the hosted file.

FileMaker Go users can also copy databases between their desktop or laptop computers and FileMaker Go via File Sharing in iTunes, perfect for single user databases. Databases may also be downloaded by email, popular file sharing sites, or the web.

“Imagine being able to check inventory levels, update the status of a project or add a new customer contact and share it with your remote sales team – just a few of the many workgroup tasks made easy with FileMaker Go for iPhone or iPad,” said Ryan Rosenberg, vice president of marketing and services for FileMaker, Inc. “We are genuinely excited about the ways FileMaker Go caters to mobile users who need remote interaction with their data.”

FileMaker Go makes it easy to add, modify, or delete data; find, sort and navigate through records; open new windows; and switch between layouts. Many popular FileMaker Pro features are supported on FileMaker Go, including Tab controls, Quick Find, Web Viewers, External SQL Data Sources, containers, portals and even most scripts.

The new Apps work in both portrait and landscape views, automatically switching as necessary. FileMaker Go also allows users to search, modify and sort records using touch gestures – simply pinch, swipe, rotate and zoom to manage data. Existing FileMaker Pro layouts look amazing on the large iPad display screen – no modification is necessary for most solutions.

Praise from independent FileMaker developers

“We expect immediate adoption of FileMaker Go by outside sales teams, housing inspectors, warehouse inventory managers, and event planners among others,” said Richard Carlton, president, Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. (

“It’s stunning how well FileMaker Go on the iPad and iPhone ‘just works!’ ” said Scott Love, Chief Operating Officer, Soliant Consulting ( “By extending beyond the Mac and PC and onto the iPad and iPhone platforms, FileMaker continues to deliver an unbeatable ROI for our clients.”

Availability, Pricing, and Compatibility
FileMaker Go is available now from the App Store. FileMaker Go for iPhone and iPod touch (running IOS 4) is $19.99 and FileMaker Go for iPad (running IOS 3.2) is $39.99. Additional details are available at Compatibility information for both FileMaker Go for iPhone and FileMaker Go for iPad can be found on the iTunes store.