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A compendium of essential world knowledge on back page of “Fun for Boys”

that’s all I need to know

A compendium of essential world knowledge on back page of “Fun for Boys”: “201006110904

Mister Jalopy writes on Dinosaurs and Robots:

Fun for Boys includes a chapter on moneymaking enterprises such as raising pigeons for profit. However, the gold of the book is not the text but is the list of other Padell titles. It appears a library stocked with the full selection would be a sort of compendium of essential world knowledge.

A compendium of essential world knowledge on back page of ‘Fun for Boys’



(Via Boing Boing.)

How To Start Using Extensions In Safari 5 | Cult of Mac

This is huge. This will make Safari the killer app against Firefox. Extesnsibility was huge when deployed for the likes of Photoshop and Filemaker. I’ll bet there are a lot of excited developers at the conference, goes without saying.

How To Start Using Extensions In Safari 5 | Cult of Mac: “How To Start Using Extensions In Safari 5

4:24 am, June 9th, 2010, Giles Turnbull

(Via .)

Additional Update: There is a bug in the new webkit that conflicts with Filemaker sending PDFs in emails. The background of the mail message turns BLACK? Not that there is anything wrong with that if you like illegibility. I used Pacifist to downgrade Safari back to 4.05 and have had clients who needed to do the same.

Instructions here:

Downgrade Instructions here

Bye Bye Birdie: Why Twitter is On the Outs |

I no longer twitterpated.

Bye Bye Birdie: Why Twitter is On the Outs | “Bye Bye Birdie: Why Twitter is On the Outs 11 hours ago by Timothy James Duffy | 15 comments

Like it or not, Twitter has become an unavoidable part of our online lives. Created by Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone in 2006, the social networking platform’s reach has grown remarkably over the past four years.

According to a recent study conducted by Edison Research, 87 percent of the U.S. population is now aware of its existence. Surprising? Not really. Forget about Twitter’s overwhelming online presence, the site is constantly being thrown in our face throughout every media outlet imaginable. From CNN to ESPN, we’re constantly exposed to the endless stream of thoughts that Twitter encompasses.

While Twitter’s presence is undeniable, its future lacks certainty. Will Twitter continue to grow and thrive? In short, no. Why? Allow me to explain…”


(Via .)