Category Archives: MACC

Wisconsin man blasts TV with shotgun to protest Bristol Palin’s lackluster dance skills

Wisconsin man blasts TV with shotgun to protest Bristol Palin’s lackluster dance skills: “A 67-year-old man in rural Wisconsin grabbed his shotgun and blasted his TV after witnessing Bristol Palin’s dance performance on ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ Everyone’s a critic. The shooting resulted in an all-night SWAT team standoff. (Submitterator, thanks theatrechik77)
I have no responsd for that

(Via Boing Boing.)

Adventures in Epithetymology

starAbout Urban Legends
November 3, 2010 1:24 AM

Adventures in Epithetymology

Certain types of manure used to be transported (as everything was back then) by ship. In dry form it weighs a lot less, but once water (at sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a byproduct is methane gas. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM! Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was discovered what was happening.

After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term “S.H.I.T.,” which meant to the sailors, “Ship High In Transit.”

Or maybe not…

Origin of the F-Word
History of “The Finger”
The True Meaning of “Dork”

Adventures in Epithetymology originally appeared on Urban Legends on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 at 08:24:11.

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Filemaker Go updated

FileMaker Go for iPhone 1.1.2 and FileMaker Go for iPad 1.1.2 updater is available today on the iTunes App store. FileMaker Go 1.1.2 is a free update for all existing FileMaker Go users.

This update addresses the following:

• Adds application language support for French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese.
• Addresses compatibility issues with large images and container fields.
• Allows users to restore solutions from hibernation by entering the same account name and password once.
• Allows files to be overwritten on iPhone and saved to a temporary location using scripts.
• Resolves compatibility issues running on iPhone.FMGo.jpg