Category Archives: MACC

“Walk Like an Egyptian”: The Bluegrass Cover [Video]

there is just something about this song that says eeeejipshun

“Walk Like an Egyptian”: The Bluegrass Cover [Video]

Geekosystem 9/27/10 12:29 PM Robert Quigley Uncategorized Bluegrass The Bangles The Cleverly Trio The Cleverlys Walk Like An Egyptian

Cover of The Bangles’ “Walk Like an Egyptian” by West Virginia-based bluegrass act The Cleverly Trio; even better than it sounds.

(via Neatorama | Band Website)

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Researchers Test Space Beer

starSlashdot – real science at work
September 29, 2010 4:05 PM
by samzenpus

Researchers Test Space Beer

With space tourism becoming a real possibility in the near future, brewers are trying to figure out how to provide a good beer in space. To this end, a non-profit space research corporation Astronauts4Hire will begin testing an Australian brew created to be enjoyed in microgravity. From the article: “In the past, NASA has also sponsored studies on space beer, and whether or not the popular beverage can be brewed in space. Under current policies, however, alcohol remains forbidden on the International Space Station.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Sent from my iPhone 4 by Michael

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