Category Archives: MACC

New Applepress out for perusal

The May Issue can be downloaded here:
In this issue:

  • Photo Contest Winner
  • Inside the MacClinic
  • May Freebies
  • Make Your Own Photobook
  • Read Our Blog With RSS (adapted from this blog)
  • Last Chance to Win iPad Raffle

As well as my monthly ambling, enjoy!

Somehow I have become president of my local Apple user group DVMUG – here is our monthly newsletter in which I get to be on the front page every month – imagine that!

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Scott Adams Blog: That Lost 4G Phone 04/26/2010

Two questions I am often asked:

  1. How far in advance do you work?
  2. How quickly can you publish a comic on a current event?

Today I will indirectly answer both questions by talking about something else entirely. I assume you’ve all been following the story of the Apple engineer who left a prototype 4G iPhone at a beer garden. I found this story too delicious to resist, but I worried that the story would become stale before my comics would work through the pipeline. I think the soonest I can get something published is in about a month, perhaps a bit sooner, but I’ve never tested it.

I drew two comics while considering my options. In the end, I thought it wasn’t worth the extra friction to push them to the front of the line. And it would be June 18th before they ran in their normal position, which seemed too far in the future. So here now, exclusively for you blog readers, the totally unfinished first drafts of those comics.  You will never see these in newspapers.

Take a moment to marvel at the fact that I didn’t need to add anything to the story as it has been told in the media. All it really needed was Wally. I don’t think any of us will ever know what really happened. I based the comic on the media’s speculation of events. Remember that I’m in the parody business and not the truth business.

In case you missed it – heh

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Geek Love: His and Hers Star Wars T-Shirts – Star Wars – io9

No please no

Geek Love: His and Hers Star Wars T-Shirts – Star Wars – io9: “Geek Love: His and Hers Star Wars T-Shirts
For the couple that wants to seal their love like a smuggler in Carbonite comes this matching set that captures the most romantically bad-ass exchange in all of scifi.

My lady isn’t quite geeky enough to sport these in public with me, but if you’re heading to Orlando this August for Star Wars Celebration V with your like-minded significant other, perhaps you’ll want to pick these up.”

(Via .)

Light Painting with Moth Trails | Photojojo

Light Painting with Moth Trails

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

OMG, it’s finally Spring!!! Get ready for the warm, lazy, insect-laden nights ahead!

Don’t wrinkle your nose — buggy nights are the best! Once you train flying insects to do your photographic bidding, that is.

Long exposures make moth trails show up as squiggles of light in your night photos: like light painting with bugs!

Grab a tripod and keep reading to learn how to harness the power of the insect kingdom!

I so have to try this

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