Category Archives: MACC

Instant Surveys with Filemaker and Google Docs

Filemaker 11 is awesome and one of the best ways to learn advanced techniques such as web survey with Google Docs to instant charting is Filemaker Magazine dot come such as their latest article on graphing magic.
Simply amazing. Ask me about how to do your survey.

Posted via email from mclasen’s posterous

New website look and feel

In honor of the new Webpress blog MaccAmblings I’ve redesigned and updated my website  with a less stark look and feel. I may eventually adapt more and more of the site to WordPress as I continue to explore its capabilities but his should suffice for now.

As I am not a designer but a web developer,  among other things, I am reminded of the bumper sticker an Internet consultant in the early 90s used to promote his feelings about the Internet: “Its the Content, Stupid.”

Rather than flaming, spinning logos my intent, from here forward, is to the quality of the information I share. Mixed with fun content, of course!

Stay tuned.

Clients update

  • Adapted ContactZ for a Custom Jewelry Maker – uses Bar scanner for transactions combined with a Filemaker plugin – 6Barcode FileMaker Barcode Plug-in – to create bar cods for products- will integrate with their Web Site soon
  • Extensive system for Event Beverage client in Madrid, Spain
  • Inventory database for an onlne Bicycle supply – multiple vendors for products – integration with online ordering system and MySQL system –
  • Custom Customer database for Jewelry designer – integration with a bar scanner and auto import of multiple product photos
  • UCSF Trauma center – deployed website (click here) and internal Patient system
  • AAGO database website and database integration – one button update of of Doctor list and xml dataset using PHP plugin
  • continued integration of client reports and Web Statistics for Here Comes the Guide

MacConsulting – Now with WordPress

I’ve wanted to set up a blog for some time and integrate it with my website to blend the dynamic nature of web logging with my largely static site. Using a technique I developed at the DVMUG site at we imbedded the ICS calendar into the site with html wizardry using an Iframe tag. This allows one to embed another whole web page into the current page. This strategy works for me.

The wonders of WordPress

MacConsulting has been largely about Filemaker programming although my skill set extends deeply into web technologies, MySQL, expertise in OS X and Apple technologies. With the advent of the iPad there are whole new areas of interest in sharing and integrating data for a business user. It’s a whole new world brothers and sisters.

It is so great to have aligned my business with Apple technologies and innovations. The iPhone/iPad platform is a whole new world for developers and many of the Apps I work with each day are iPad capable such as Pages, Tweetdeck, Evernote, IMDB, NPR, Bento from Filemaker, Twitterific, 1Password, NetNewsWire, and on and on.

So stay tuned and I’ll post the latest and greatest as it emerges from the great netherlands of the InterWeb Wonderland.