Category Archives: MACC

Making Non-Profits More Tech-Savvy: GoodWeave Serves As An Example


How (and why) should non-profits become more tech-savvy? GoodWeave offers an example of how a robust tech-based system can help an organization operate at scale.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi founded GoodWeave, a non-profit which inspects rug weavers in Afghanistan, India, and Nepal to ensure that factories are not employing child labor.  The organization works with 165 exporters, monitors nearly 3,500 factories and village “loom sheds” which adds up to almost 40,000 workers throughout South Asia.

So, how does a non-profit handle all that data?  The social sector has traditionally been slow adopters of technology; managing a regional supply chain so diverse and massive is a challenge, especially with just pen and paper — the most popular method.

Nina Smith, Executive Director of the US GoodWeave office in Washington, DC, agrees. “We’ve been slow to use technology in the field for a variety of reasons ranging from the fact that we work in places where internet access and technological expertise are lacking — to financial constraints.” just released a study this week that says only 40% of the world is connected to the Internet. The vast majority are still largely offline.  Working in rural areas with such limited access to the Internet means that local staff and workers are also new to the technology.

GoodWeave, adopted Filemaker, a subsidy of Apple, to manage its massive supply chain. When a factory is identified as free of child-labor, each rug is given a unique number– a code that is entered in its database and will help GoodWeave trace the rug back to that production facility.

via Making Non-Profits More Tech-Savvy: GoodWeave Serves As An Example.


Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock Taught Us Acceptance Is Highly Logical : Monkey See : NPR


For this Star Trek fan, Leonard Nimoy was more than the guy who played one of the most popular characters in the most popular science fiction franchise on American TV.

He was a serious actor whose journey to accept his unique fame mirrored many fans’ personal struggles for acceptance — particularly back when science fiction and fantasy wasn’t quite so cool. He was the guy whose status as the half human, half Vulcan Mr. Spock — a brilliant, capable officer from a race of aliens who suppress their emotions — would eventually be validated by the world’s embrace of geek cool.

And he was the guy whose eventual acceptance of Star Trek would make him the fan-friendly Yin to the Yang of Trek actors who seemed to have a tougher time embracing the show’s legacy (yes, Mr. Shatner, that’s a reference to you).

Even President Obama, who is sometimes called Spock by some pundits for his own distant cool in a crisis, gave props to the actor who created his sometimes namesake.

via Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock Taught Us Acceptance Is Highly Logical : Monkey See : NPR.

What it means: The FCCs net neutrality vote | Computerworld

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality has been debated for a decade, but the Federal Communications Commissions historic vote on Thursday signals only the beginning of further battles and likely lawsuits.FEATURED RESOURCEPRESENTED BY SCRIBE SOFTWARE10 Best Practices for Integrating DataData integration is often underestimated and poorly implemented, taking time and resources. Yet itLEARN MOREAt issue is how best to keep the Internet open and neutral to all while still giving Internet service providers sufficient incentive to expand their networks to serve more customers and to support an exploding array of data-hungry applications as futuristic as holographic videoconferencing used for home-based medical exams.The FCC voted 3-to-2 to create a series of sweeping changes, including three open Internet conduct rules that block broadband providers, both wired and wireless, from blocking or throttling Internet traffic. The rules also ban broadband providers from taking payments to prioritize content and services over their networks.

via What it means: The FCCs net neutrality vote | Computerworld.

Want to work for Apple? Here’s the grueling hiring process | Cult of Mac

The Holy Grail

Apple can be an incredibly demanding company to work for, but just getting in the door is nearly impossible.

The hiring process for Apple retail is fairly lengthy, but according to UX Designer Luis Abreu, landing a job at the mothership in Cupertino is an even longer, more grueling process which the he just suffered through first hand.

The UK based designer revealed the steps for Apple’s hiring process in a recent blog post that explains how unrelenting Apple is in its process to screen potential employees. Abreu says Apple reached out to him last year to help improve their developer documentation after seeing an iOS 8 privacy article he published.

via Want to work for Apple? Here’s the grueling hiring process | Cult of Mac.