The Steps in the Process
DADI Structure:
Define, Architect, Design, Implement |
Definition Phase |
- Preliminary meetings to analyze current files, analyze needs.
- Definition of the structure to other database and to the Web Front end
- Define (basic): files, fields, relations, scripts, layouts, HTML pages(if needed)
- Structure of Transactions.
- Database setup and structure
- Structure of the files and relations outlined and finalized
- Web pages delineated and mapped.
Architect Phase |
- List the file(s) and the relationships and define their types/connections
- Define existing and needed relationships
- Determine the navigation system that works best with these files
- Web Structure and its integration with the Databases.
- Finalize number of HTML pages, templates, snippets, etc.
- Integration of system with other in-house and web systems.
Design |
- Files: How many are needed
- Relationships: How files are linked and what kind of relation key is used.
- Fields: What information lives where Field formatslookups, lists, self-lookups, checkboxes, listings
- Related fields, portals, layouts, etc.
- Report layouts and automated scripting of reporting functions
- Other scripting Gee-whiz features:
- Easy navigation between fields
- Easy navigation between files and layouts
- Scripted finds, automated entries and calculations
- Making the most of FileMaker and database technology.
- Any other features that are needed and required
Implement |
- Create and modify databases with features and additions specified
- Synchronizing of data bases with web front end
- Installation and debugging in client office and server location as needed
- Documentation: Documented information as defined in the first three phases.
- Delivery of a Database detailing the system
- Training of in-house staff and database administrators.