Summary of recent projects:
- Infinity Dental Care: Updated and relocated wordpress website to a vastly less expensive hosting g service, updates and changes to website.
- Opera database linking 50 years of Performances, Artists, Composers, Venues, Opera Companies, Countries, Genres, Languages, integrated Web Search in a Point-and-Click interface.
- EAH Housing: Non-profit managing 300+ low-cost housing automating Budgets, lists, IT info, and more.
- California Akido Association: Completed development of Membership database automating tasks such as dues, reports, email registration, and user interface.
- PG&E Trailer assets database: enhanced in-house system to assess assets for PG&E trailers with central reporting system
- UCSF BASIC (NeuroTracker™ custom FM App): Filemaker 7,8,9,10 11,12,13 Advanced Custom App for patients on desktop and iPad 2007-2015 Link
- MSES Environmental Solutions: FM 5/6/7/8/9/10 Filemaker Database and website using Lasso technology for School hazardous chemical maintenance 2005-2014
- Garden Club of America: 2010-2014 Filemaker database in v. 7/8/9/10 and website – managing National garden club activities Link
- Festival Opera of Walnut Creek: Donation Database FM 7/8 2011-2013
- Rivendell Bikes – Filemaker Database v. 7/8/9/10/11 and integration with PHP webste, integration of web purchases with database via PHP extension 2008-2011 Link
- Beads Forever– FM v. 5/6/7 2009-2011 Sales and Inventory database for Commercial Beads warehouse
- Safeway Corporate Marketing: 2004-2006 Filemaker 5/6, CDML and Lasso project for managing national marketing projects for Safeway
- Hopscotch Press/ FM v. 5/6/7/8 Database for Wedding site – custom reporting, sales Mgmt and web integration via import export scripts
- California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform: web and database): Full time project combining web and FM Databases using Lasso, 2000-2004
- AAGO (American Academy of Gnathologic Orthopedics) FM 7/8 Integrate member database and website ink
- And many others
- References available upon request
Automated Report Graphs in Filemaker
This depicts the data in NeuroTracker at BASIC (Brain and Spinal Injury Center) at UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital. Data is abstracted from patient records, all Patient Medical Info is removed and graphs are created for review of results over time. An automated scripts runs daily to update the graphs with new info so data is current through yesterday. As the data set is quite complex across multiple tables, the necessary info is exported to a separate data table for presentation as a graph. Now Fully automated.

Been working since last year on updating a database system for UCSF Trauma center for access by Filemaker Go, the iPad app for IOS.Layouts for
- Info Summary,
- Notes/Events
- Meds
- To Do’s
- Private Memos available to the creator of the record
- Detailed reports for managing ToDo’s./
Features include:
- Auto finding of patient records
- including of data from multiple portals/related records
- optimization for iPads
- extensive reports sorting by Location, Active, Patient, Category etc.
- Focus feature to hide list of patient
- and much, much more
Ask me about deploying your database or business info on an iPad

Graphic Refresh of Garden Club of America website
Updating of private site with styles and graphics. New version on the left…
- The old version was largely text based, the new version incorporates more graphics and thumbnails of documents.
- The new header prominently features an image of flowers, apropos of a Garden site.
- The color scheme has been lightened, the site is widened and the links are horizontal, rather than vertical.
iPad Filemaker Go Design
I adapted my ContactZ template to the iPad for jewelry client, Oliver & Espig, so they could display 1000# Kwikly and easily to clients at a tradeshow using several iPads to show their wares to passings attendees at The SOFA show in Chicago
Ongoing support for the in-house database modernization and integration with commerce site at
- Inventory and Order automation
- Automatic downloading of encrypted credit card data decrypted locally, securely for order processor
- Batch processing for orders
- web database integration for Inventory levels and member specials
Hopscotch Press
Hopscotch is an old client of mine with database support going back over 10 years. Like many businesses, more of their efforts go into their website. They had a system for showing web traffic using Filemaker which I integrated into their in-house database system. Filemaker is a great way to integrate data and reporting from web sites into manageable Database systems. Features include:
- Report layouts showing stats for client pages
- automated email system for sending PDF reports to clients
- reports in 1 year, 2 year, and tabular format for ease of review
- management of client articles, features, and mentions on website
Client Photo Galleries
Beads Wholesale Filemaker System
An elaborate Contact, Invoice, Inventory management system
Filemaker Menus
A tour of Main Menus for several many of the systems created by MACC
Filemaker/Lasso Calendar Tracking System
Uses a filemaker calendar with colorcoding to track projects
Demo created for a large retail chain to track their advertising deadlines Click here to see demo
Choose August or September for the demo
screen grabs
Safeway Job Request & Tracking System
Project for requests, updates, and advertising management for advertising materials for Safeway
- Splash Screen
- Find a Job
- Job Request (JR) Form
- JR Report
- JR Update
- JR Gantt
- JR Gantt 2
Other clients can be found here