
MacBook Pros UPDATED!!! — Finally | Cult of Mac

MacBook Pros UPDATED!!! — Finally

As we reported eariler the Apple Store was closed this morning when I went for my ‘O-Dark-Thirty’ run, and as anticipated, we’ve got new i5 and i7 Macbook Pros to enjoy. I will be picking one up today if possible and will give a full rundown later in the week for an in-depth hands on.

Pricing looks great too, with $200 off the 17″ model. The 17″ configured as I’d buy it with an i7, is just $200 more (or in other words back to the original pricing).

Better & faster always appreciated

Posted via web from mclasen’s posterous

A community-built collection of OS X hints – Mac OS X Hints

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Your vote was saved for the poll “Expose_and_Spaces”


1/2: How often do you use Spaces?

Regularly – it’s essential! 900 (37.56%)
Quite often – many times a day 246 (10.27%)
A few times a week 171 (7.14%)
Rarely 290 (12.10%)
Never 789 (32.93%)

2/2: How often do you use Exposé?

Regularly – it’s essential! 1,111 (46.37%)
Quite often – many times a day 452 (18.86%)
A few times a week 314 (13.11%)
Rarely 326 (13.61%)
Never 193 (8.06%)
Other polls | 2,398 votes | 34 comments

use it or don’t

Posted via web from mclasen’s posterous

Loper OS » Non-Apple’s Mistake

Non-Apple’s Mistake

I’ve been patient, I’ve been gracious
And this mountain is covered with wolves
Hear them howling, my hungry children
Maybe you should stay and have another drink and think about me and you.
Jonathan Coulton, “Skullcrusher Mountain”

The howls of protest coming from iPhone and iPad developers are loud and shrill, and are sure to grow louder and shriller as their Golden Cage grows smaller and smaller, as I’m certain it will.

The Golden Cage is indeed a cage, and a strong one.  Yet it has no door.   Still the poor imprisoned wretches continue, on their own free will and in battalion strength, to pack subway-rush-hour-tightly into their curious prison.  I suggest that the jailbirds’ grievances should lie not with their jailers, but with the outside world, which offers them so little.

It appears that no one (not PG, either) has a grasp of the real problem behind Apple’s tyranny.  At any rate, no one is talking about it.  It is quite true that Apple’s new App Store policies are exactly the kind of behavior one might expect from a tyrannical monopoly.  But, having cornered no markets, Apple is not a monopoly.  Or is it?

I argue that Apple now has not one but two monopolies:

I)    A nearly-total monopoly on computer (and pocket computer) systems designed with good taste.
II)  A total monopoly on the Microsoft-free, hassle-free personal computer. [1]

very interesting points

Posted via web from mclasen’s posterous