

great pumpkinFree Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day 2015!
Saturday May 2nd! 


Celebrate and discover the amazing world of comic books on Free Comic Book Day! Taking place annually on the first Saturday in May, Free Comic Book Day is a single day when participating comic book specialty shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their shops!

Celebrate Free Comic Book Day at your local comic shop Saturday May 2nd by getting FREE comics! With 50 titles available to choose from, there’s a story for everyone to enjoy!

Flying Colors is Northern California’s one-stop comics super-store featuring a wide selection of reasonably priced comic books and other merchandise.



Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock Taught Us Acceptance Is Highly Logical : Monkey See : NPR


For this Star Trek fan, Leonard Nimoy was more than the guy who played one of the most popular characters in the most popular science fiction franchise on American TV.

He was a serious actor whose journey to accept his unique fame mirrored many fans’ personal struggles for acceptance — particularly back when science fiction and fantasy wasn’t quite so cool. He was the guy whose status as the half human, half Vulcan Mr. Spock — a brilliant, capable officer from a race of aliens who suppress their emotions — would eventually be validated by the world’s embrace of geek cool.

And he was the guy whose eventual acceptance of Star Trek would make him the fan-friendly Yin to the Yang of Trek actors who seemed to have a tougher time embracing the show’s legacy (yes, Mr. Shatner, that’s a reference to you).

Even President Obama, who is sometimes called Spock by some pundits for his own distant cool in a crisis, gave props to the actor who created his sometimes namesake.

via Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock Taught Us Acceptance Is Highly Logical : Monkey See : NPR.


Moment – Automatically track your and your family’s daily iPhone and iPad use

Moment – Automatically track your and your family’s daily iPhone and iPad use.

Maybe it’s time for more time – as discussed on SciFriday’s broadcast on NPR

Science Friday 

JAN. 23, 2015

Put Down Your Phone, Give Your Brain a Break

Some studies suggest letting the mind wander spurs creativity and contemplation. Is it time to rethink our relationship with our phones and bring back boredom?