The Steps in the Process
DADI Structure:
Define, Architect, Design, Implement -
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Definition Phase
Preliminary meetings to analyze current files, analyze needs.
Definition of the structure to other database and to the Web Front end
Define (basic): files, fields, relations, scripts, layouts, HTML pages(if needed)
Structure of Transactions.
Database setup and structure
Structure of the files and relations outlined and finalized
Web pages delineated and mapped.
Architect Phase
List the file(s) and the relationships and define their types/connections
Define existing and needed relationships
Determine the navigation system that works best with these files
Web Structure and its integration with the Databases.
Finalize number of HTML pages, templates, snippets, etc.
Integration of system with other in-house and web systems.
Files: How many are needed
Relationships: How files are linked and what kind of relation key is used.
Fields: What information lives where Field formatslookups, lists, self-lookups, checkboxes, listings
Related fields, portals, layouts, etc.
Report layouts and automated scripting of reporting functions
Other scripting Gee-whiz features:
Easy navigation between fields
Easy navigation between files and layouts
Scripted finds, automated entries and calculations
Making the most of FileMaker and database technology.
Any other features that are needed and required
- Create and modify databases with features and additions specified
- Synchronizing of data bases with web front end
- Installation and debugging in client office and server location as needed
- Documentation: Documented information as defined in the first three phases.
- Delivery of a Database detailing the system
- Training of in-house staff and database administrators.
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