Instant Web Publishing with Filemaker and Dreamweaver
I have developed a great technique for web publishing using Filemaker and Dreamweaver. Imagine creating your content in a database, add a graphic to the database you've created or downloaded from the web to the database and then simply push a button in Filemaker which does it all.
- create a new record in the database, enter a Title, Description, graphic name, and URL/web address into 4 separate fields
- import the graphic into the database and provide the name for the graphic
- push the export button which
- creates a xml file that has all the data meddled by the html page
- the file is written to disk locally on your hard drive
- next the xml data is uploaded to your web server via ftp directly from Filemaker
- the new graphic you created is written to disk locally on your hard drive and gets uploaded at the same time
- now when you page is loaded the HTML uses a spry data set to read the newly updated xml and related graphics into the page
- result: push button publishing
Examples: News Page, Iphone Apps (as an added bonus the iphone page detects if you have a Iphone or Ipod Touch the page is formatted for the device.
As shown with the examples the presentation can vary with the same data set, for example:
On the left the data is arranged in a narrow column that fits the iphone or Touch when the page is loaded. Above the same data is presented in a compact form: click on the title and the corresponding text and graphic is shown on the right. There is a great range of presentation available depending on the data.
The News page (click here) is another example of a list presentation.
All you need is a website and Filemaker with the proper plugin installed, a little programming and everything else is fully automated.
Next: Spry Data Sets
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