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FileMakerPro Session 1– Glossary

  • data the information you store inside of fields
  • Database 1. An electronic record keeper that allows the user to access a piece, or pieces of information by the use of a related field or file information. See database program
  • Database 2 -A collection (groups) of related pieces of information are put into a storage unit. See database file
  • database program ( manager ) The application that creates and handles (manipulates) database files. Sometimes called simply a database.
  • database file A database document that holds (contains, is a collection of) a group of related records containing a certain type of data and using a certain set of fields. It is designed to store lots of information in predefined categories and allows this information to be arranged and manipulated easily. It is an electronic version of (the equivalent to) all the cards on a given Rolodex file (index card files or information sheets and binders.) Sometimes called simply a database.
  • field A category of information and a place where you put different kinds of data. It is the smallest level of organization in a database. An area of a record that stores a discrete (distinct or separate) chunk (piece, single item, category) of information such as someone’s first name, last name, an address, company, or the zip code in an address book. It is the equivalent of a single line on a Rolodex card. It is very similar to a cell in a spreadsheet. In a program such as FileMaker Pro, you can format the display of each field’s information and specify the type of data. For example, to make sure there are the right number of digits and no letters in a phone number.
  • field names the names you have given database fields so you can tell one place from another.
  • host the machine where the FileMaker Pro database file resides.
  • layout specifies/controls how the database information [records] is displayed on the screen and in a printout (on paper). "card" vs. "list" (table) layout
  • record All of the fields for one item in a database. One set (each grouping) of related, filled-in fields containing data about one person place, or thing. The individual components of a record are held in fields. Every record in one database has the same fields (filled or empty) with the same format. Thus, fields (like a person’s first name, last name, address, phone numbers, company name, etc.) are always in the same place.
    In an address book, all the data about each person (name, address, phone and so on) comprises one record.
    It is the equivalent of a single Rolodex card. A record is analogous to a row in a spreadsheet.
  fini - Updated Tuesday, October 19, 2004

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