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FileMaker Pro Session 3 Glossary

calculations field

  • Contains a formula that computes data from other fields (multiple number, text, time and date fields) in the same record. Use calculation fields to perform numeric, container, text, date, or time calculations. Calculation fields perform calculations with values from other fields in the current record, from related fields, or from global fields. The data in a calculation field is the result of a formula that you specify. The result can be text, number, date, time, or container.
  • case sensitivity Upper and lower case letters are treated differently.
  • current found set To find records, you specify criteria, (the values you want to find) in a blank find request. The found set matches all the criteria you specify.

To make a find request:

  1. Choose the layout you want to use to find records from the layout pop-up menu.
  2. Choose Find from the Mode menu.
  3. In the blank find request, enter or select criteria for as many fields as you want to search.
    You can't enter search criteria in summary, container, or global fields.
  4. If necessary, choose an operator from the Symbols pop-up menu in the status area to refine your search.
  5. Click Find in the status area, or choose Perform Find from the Select menu.

date field Day, month, and year

  • double sort Subsort by a second field. You can sort records to temporarily rearrange them based on entries in a field or a set of fields. You can sort on several fields at once. The first field you select arranges the records based on the field's contents. The second sort arranges records when two or more records have the same value. You can sort records in ascending order, descending order, or a custom order based on a field's value list.
  • ellipsis "..." used in find requests to designate a range.
  • find Search for a record or group of records to work with by typing search criteria for the fields you want to search through. For example, you can search for all customers who have paid their bills. After you find a group of records, FileMaker Pro returns to Browse so you can begin working with them.
  • global field (New in v.3) Each global field contains one value that is used for all the records in your file. Use a global field as a fixed value to be used in calculations across all records in a file, or in conditional script steps, such as If, Else, End If, Loop, End Loop, and Exit Loop.
  • Global fields are included in all field lists and can be used on layouts.
  • modes You can work with FileMaker Pro in four different modes: Browse, Find, Layout, and Preview. You have different menu options in each mode, so choose a mode after deciding what work you need to do. You can choose a mode from the Mode menu or from the mode pop-up menu at the bottom of the document window.
  • number field Numerical values
  • picture field Import clip art or other graphics
  • sound field Import prerecorded sounds or create your own in a file
  • string The value you are looking for in a database search.
  • summary field Use summary fields to calculate values such as subtotals, averages, and grand totals across multiple records. Summary fields are associated with groups of records. The value in a summary field can change depending on where you place the field on a layout, how many records are in the found set, and whether the records are sorted.
  • Data in a summary field reflects records currently being browsed; either all the records or a group of found records. If you change a value in one of the fields on which the summary formula is based or if you change the found set, FileMaker Pro recalculates the result in a summary field.
  • You can't change data in a summary field manually, but you can copy it. You can also perform calculations on summary fields.
  • text field Alpha text or any combination of text and/or numbers
  • time field Exact time of the day, may be used in calculations
  • wild card A character (usually * or ?) that can stand for one or more unknown characters during a search.

  fin - Updated Sunday, December 12, 2004

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Sunday, March 6, 2005