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FileMaker Pro Session 3
Summary of Sessions 1-3

  • A major purpose of any database is to make sure you have accurate information. Speed in getting the information is only secondary to accuracy.
  • The goal of these first three sessions is to show how a database manager would set up a database in their office or home to make sure all the information would be accurate each and every time.

The Basic Elements of a Database:
  Fields, Records, and Data Files.

  • We start with a database with a bunch of fields.
  • Entering Data (automatic entry that is quick and accurate)
  • We put in some records, use auto-entry features, validation features. You can check the information with fail-safes to make sure certain things would test true.
  • Demographics: Manipulating Data. Finding & Sorting Data.

How to find and sort the information that you find.

  • See it
  • Understand logical techniques (the how & why explained), management tips and common sense shortcuts.
  • Practice, practice, practice it — build good habits

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Sunday, March 6, 2005