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Filemaker Pro Session 2 - Entering Data

Data Entry

  • This is the process of putting information into your database. Create a brand new record. Notice all the dotted boxes, except for the one highlighted in a black line.

Accumulated & Ongoing Information

  • You usually begin the data entry process by entering accumulated information. This is the stuff you have accumulated over the years — business cards, scraps of paper, post-it notes, and ledger cards.
  • Tip: Although it is tempting to enter everything for the sake of completeness, enter only the accumulated information that you know you need.
  • You continue the data entry process by entering ongoing information. This is the data that you gather or generate as you go.
  • Tip: Assume that you will forget things, so enter more information than you think you will need.
  • enter data

Field Format

  • Find under format in the menu bar. Set repetition horizontal or vertical.
  • On a computer (unlike manually) you can create identical files quickly.
  • field foemat
  • New in FM7 is Field Behavior which can, for example, allow a field to be searched in find mode but not in browse mode
  • field behaviopr


  • When you use a database, hitting the Tab key (not the return key) will cause the cursor to move from one field to another. This method allows you to move your cursor during data entry without having to lift your hand from the keyboard to point and click with the mouse into fields. Most data entry is typing and tabbing, typing and tabbing. The return key would only expand (stretch, elongate) the box up to 60,000 characters.
  • Click on the Tab key. The active field has the darker box with a blinking insertion point. Tab through the different fields (across, then down, then back to the top.) It moves forward (left to right) in a repeating field
  • Press shift + tab to move upward or backward (the shift key reverses direction.)
  • Tip: Every office should have one person (who is the database manager) with the authority to change fields, set standards, & determine abbreviations.
  • Tip: Abbreviate names and addresses whenever you can and stay consistent!. When you print labels, long names and addresses may not fit, and you do not want to shorten them right before a mailing deadline. Only use traditional, standard abbreviations that are widely known. Pick standard ways to enter data and stick with it. Entering a state as "Pennsylvania," "Penn," and "PA" is going to create problems later when you want to find everyone who lives in Pennsylvania.
  • Do not use str., st., etc. for "street." Use 2-letter state abbreviations. Fl (not Fla or Fla.) for FloridaSunday, March 6, 2005lows the computer to recognize identical values)
  • setting tabbing order: in Layout mode choose Tab order from Layout mode
  • tab order

Paste Data

  • Shortcut Edit - Paste Special - Current Date. The keyboard shortcut is command - hyphen.
  • The date (or time) is brought in from the Date and Time control panel.
  • Automatic Formatting
  • This handy feature can make data entry faster and easier for you.
  • Tip: In data entry, use the fewest characters. Enter only 500 for $500.00.
  • From Index is a useful way to see all the values from a record
  • from Index

  next - Updated Sunday, November 7, 2004

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