FMPRO Session 4 Keyboard & Menu Comman
Use keyboard commands to arrange
and align objects, format fields, control layout tools, and create layouts.
Menu/Keyboard Commands
- Under Edit
- Select All command-A
- In Layout mode with no insertion point active, select
all graphic objects.
- Under Layout
- Browse -->shift-command-B
- Switches to Browse mode, the normal mode for viewing
and editing database entries and entire records.
- Layout shift-command-L
- Switches to Layout mode and displays the pattern of graphic
objects that control the appearance of the current layout. Graphic tools are
available for changing the layout and formatting text objects.
- New Layout Creates and names a new layout in one of
several standard formats.
- Delete Layout - Permanently removes the current layout
definition from the file.
- Layout Info
- Views and changes the name and other features of the
current layout.
- Define Fields shift-command-D
- Creates new fields, modifies existing fields, or deletes
fields and their data from the database file.
- Insert Field
- Adds an existing field box and label to the current layout
- Add Part
- Adds a header, footer, or summary part to the current
- Under View
- New View
- Opens another window for viewing or editing the current
file. Each window may have its own settings. Changes made in any view affect
the file.
- Tile Windows
- Arranges all windows so they are the same size and fill
the screen without overlapping.
- Stack Windows
- Arranges all windows so they are as large as possible
and overlap, but with a small part of each window in view, no matter which
window is on top.
- Keyboard Commands for FileMakerPro
- Command-N create a new layout
- Alignment
- Command-K Align selected objects using the last alignment
you set
- Command-Shift-K Open the Alignment dialog box
- Command-Y Switch AutoGrid on or off
- Command-T Switch T squares on or off
- Command & drag an object's handle Turn grid alignment
off while resizing an object
- Command & drag the object Turn grid alignment
off while dragging an object
- Object arrangement
- Command-Shift-F Bring the selected object forward
- Command-Shift-Option-F Bring the selected object
to the front
- Command & click the label Change part labels
from horizontal to vertical
- Option & drag the part Drag the selected layout
part past an object
- Command-D Duplicate the selected object
- Option and drag the object Duplicate object by dragging
- Command-G Group objects
- Command-H Lock an object
- Arrow keys Move the selected object one pixel at
a time
- Shift and drag the part Reorder the selected part
- Command-Shift-J Send the selected object backward
- Command-Shift-Option-J Send the object to the back
- Command-Shift-G Ungroup objects
- Command-Shift-H Unlock an object
- Field format
- Double-click the field Display field format settings
- Command and click the field Make field settings the
default format
- Option and double-click the field Redefine a field
- Layout tools
- Option and drag the tool Constrain the line tool
horizontally or vertically
- Shift and drag the tool Constrain movement horizontally
or vertically
- Option and drag the tool Constrain the oval tool to
a circle
- Option and drag the tool Constrain the rectangle tool
to a square
- Shift and drag a handle Constrain resizing horizontally
or vertically
- Option and then resize the object Square an object
being resized
- Select All
- Command -A If no active insertion point , selects
all graphic objects.
- Change Font Size
- These "change font size" shortcuts are easier
than the menu command because you can see the effect on your layout as choices
are made.
- Command-shift-greater than sign to increase font
- Command-shift-less than sign to decrease font size
- Tip: hold down the option key and the font names appear
in the Chicago font. You can also choose "custom size" in the menu
and the font will increment between the standard font sizes.
- Formatting Text
- Command-shift-l align text or graphic to the left.
Text fields should be left algned.
- Command-shift-r align text or graphic to the right.
Number fields should be right aligned.
- Command-shift-c align text or graphic to the center
- Select Several Objects
- click on the object, hold down the shift key and select
another object
- hold down the command key and touch just one pixel of
the object with the selection marquis